We have several different sponsorship levels available. Help support the work of EnerGIS and our Scholarship Program while promoting your firm, product or service to a focused regional geospatial audience.
- Host - Range Resources Corporation
- Gold Level - Available
- Silver Level - ESRI
- Social Hour - Maxar
- Lunch - Surdex, a Bowman company
- Display Tables - Rextag, Western Land Services, Baron Weather
- Breakfast - CNX Gas
- Scholarships - Equitrans, Coterra, Seneca Resources, Keystone Consultants, 2 more available
- Coffee Breaks - Precision Laser and Civic Mapper
- Lanyard - Gateway Engineers
- Attendee Bags - Key Environmental, Inc.
- Door Prizes - Dawood, Report All, Thrasher, Kucera International and Fisher Associates
All sponsors' logos advertised on website and program. Logo placement, priority and size will vary depending on level.
If you or your firm would like to help sponsor the conference, please contact Mark Limbruner for further details and pricing at: 724-743-6705
or via energisconference@yahoo.com